A woman fighting for her multi-million dollar inheritance might have to forfeit the entire fortune to charity thanks to a poorly-written will — a case that has raised questions about the rights of unmarried gay couples and their children.

Jill Morris, died of breast cancer in 2016 at age 84 and left a multi-million dollar estate to her long-time partner, Joan Anderson, with whom she had an 18 year relationship. Anderson died of a stroke just 12 days after Morris, and, according to Morris’ last will and testament, her estate was to be divided among three charities if Anderson did not survive her by thirty days.
A Manhattan Surrogate Court Judge has ruled that the estate belongs to the charities. Emlie Anderson, Joan Anderson’s daughter claims the judge should have known that Morris would not have included such “harsh wording in her will.”
It’s upsetting to me. It’s like they’re trying to negate my mother and her relationship with Jill, she told the Daily News. That’s what they’re saying, that their relationship wasn’t important.